Modern bungalow Münster // floor-to-ceiling doors
For the new construction of a bungalow in Münster, the client attached particular importance to modern design and innovative fittings. In the living area, he therefore opted for the SVING pivot door with continuous, integrated INTRO-NOVA handle module and the FLAT frameless model, which seamlessly blends into the wall development thanks to its inverse-opening design.
The integration of the floor-to-ceiling doors into the overall concept was carried out in close coordination with the architect and interior designer, as the dimensional accuracy and attention to detail of the pre- and post-processing crafts were paramount in the realisation. The surface specialists from Schnitker Malerwerk ensured a perfect wall and ceiling connection.
Discover our floor-to-ceiling doors
Planning: Architekturbüro Hellmann, Beckum
Interior work: Tischlerei Homann & Stegemann, Laer
Design: Floor-to-ceiling doors of the FLAT, PIVOT and sliding door models
Handles: LUCIA PIATTA S with smart2lock in matt stainless steel with flat rose
Pictures: Fabian Linden, Bochum